レッズに恋して~You'll Never Walk Alone~ について


Amebloにてレッズに恋して~You'll Never Walk Alone~を開設。英日翻訳とリバプールFC、サッカー学習ための自己満足ブログ開始。



2012年 クラブスポンサーであるWarrior Sportsからの連絡を受け、アジア太平洋圏メディアとして登録。

2014年12月 レッズに恋して.comとして気合い入れ直す。つたない日本語でリバプールニュース、ゴシップ、インタビューなどあらゆる情報を発信。情報元は世界中のメディアからブログまでワールドワイドに網を張り、シェアしたいものをピックアップする方式。サッカーに関する知識は未だ皆無。

How I madly fell in love with LFC and found my blog...
London was the place where everything started. I never thought a Japanese girl like me would fall for an English football club. I was just an ordinary teenage girl who loves shopping and partying, and has no clue how football can change someone's life. On the night of 21 February, 2007, I was watching the Champion League away match between Liverpool FC versus FC Barcelona on TV. I was supposed to cheer Barca, but I was mesmerised by the brilliance of Steven Gerard on the pitch. I just could not take my eyes off the Liverpool captain. Even after I came back from a month-long London stay to my home, my love for him kept growing and took me into the LFC world. Being officially obsessed with the club, I decided to found my blog named レッズに恋して~You'll Never Walk Alone~ in the summer of 2007. It was initially for myself to learn English, football and Liverpool Football Club. Thanks to my passionate readers, millions of Reds have visited my blog since and the blog has become one of the most popular Japanese LFC blogs providing  up-to-date information, gossip on the Reds. In 2012, LFC sponsor Warrior Sports spotted my blog (no idea how!) and registered as an Asian Pacific LFC media. So this is how Liverpool FC was once my interest and became obsession, and today it's life. I am always grateful for being able to share my passion for the club with the Reds around the globe today♡ 

You'll Never Walk Alone,

Yuka (founder/editor)

My dream-come-true moment. I attended the Champions League match against Marseille at Anfield in 2008.